Traveling to Tokyo With A White Fish Allergy

One year ago (to the day!), I was lucky enough to go on my dream vacation: Tokyo. One of the factors that terrified me of going was my strange seafood allergy; in particular, white fish. Over the years my allergy has gotten better and I can actually eat shellfish and tuna (not all red fish though – salmon is still a no-go for me). But white fish causes bad reactions and I was so scared that I was going to eat something that would cause a reaction.I filmed this video talking about how I prepared for the trip, what I researched, and what I did when I was there. I am not a doctor, these are merely my tips, my experience, and my adventure eating in Tokyo.

Also, it apparently takes me a year to edit a video, because I shot this right after I got home and just never got around to finishing it. I also apologize for the rambling nature of the video; it's one of my first ^^ But...late than never, right? I sincerely hope someone finds this useful!


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What I Wore | Black & White