Cosplay | Ariel

I sat here for a long time trying to figure out how to preface this post, and ulitmately, there isn't a way. Ariel has been my dream cosplay, and is my absolute favorite that I've created. The first time I put her parks dress version on, I actually teared up from emotions.

Kyla Cosplay | ArielPhoto: Gerry Fransisco

Kyla Cosplay | Ariel

I've now made two Ariel costumes...Kiss the Girl and the Parks version. Kiss the Girl was actually completed exactly a year ago for an event at a local library, but I never got proper photos until recently. The parks dress however, was completed for New York Comic Con in October, after meeting Ariel at Disney in May.

One of the highlights of Ariel was at NYCC, where my friend Rob from The Geek Generation shot the costume in Times Square. Crowded, loud, and full of tourists was the general atmosphere, but we managed to get some good shots. Of all the costumes I've created, Ariel is the most recognizable, even if you don't recognize the dress - it's that signature red hair!

Kyla Cosplay | Ariel

Kyla Cosplay | Ariel

Kyla Cosplay | ArielPhoto: Gerry Fransisco

Parks Dress Costume Details

I don't have as detailed of costume notes as previous cosplays, but I do have a few items to note:

  • Simplicity 82201 was a lifesaver in making the parks dress. It's rare that I find a corset pattern that fits without modification (corsets in the past were all heavily modified) but I hardly had any modifications to this pattern - wow! I highly recommend this pattern as a starting point for any sort of ballgown.
  • I purchased my pin on the parks dress from Angel-Secret. I was very happy with the product, as it came out better than my original attempt ^^
  • Fabric: I initially purchased a super sparkly fabric from jo-anns to use on my outer skirt and the middle of my corset - it was a nightmare. 4 months later and I'm still finding glitter everywhere. Don't use glittery fabric from jo-anns. You'll regret it.. Instead I went to a local fabric shop and bought this teal fabric for half the cost and it ended up looking way better (though the glitter is still on the inset of the corset).
  • I'm definitely investing in steel boning the next time I make a corset. I've made about 5 now and the plastic stuff just does not cut it - if you're looking to make a structured corset, skip jo-anns.

Kyla Cosplay | ArielPhoto: The Geek Generation

My favorite part of wearing these costumes is meeting the kids, whether it's at a convention or traveling to a shoot - kids love meeting princesses, and it makes my day if I can put a smile on a child's face.

Now...I have to ask you: who is your favorite Disney Princess?


*Follow my cosplay progress on Facebook & instagram!*


What I Wore | Firmoo Glasses II


Drink Recipe | Bioshock Salted Margarita