Update & Illustration

I'm alive! You may have noticed I un-intentionally put the blog on a mini hiatus - whoops. The truth is, I was so burnt out from doing a million things that I just had to stop, you know? So I did. And it was exactly what I needed.So I'm updating the blog to let you guys know that yes, I'm still here! I already have a few posts queued up with new inspiration and new cosplays, so hopefully I'll get back into a semi-regular posting schedule.In the meantime, here's the only thing I really completed in the past few months, just a little girl in her scarf (yes the original sketch was done when there was about 5 feet of snow on the ground ^^)Kyla Is Inspired | IllustrationKyla Is Inspired | IllustrationIs everyone excited for the nice weather we've finally been having?


What I Wore | Portal Style


Illustration | Penelope, Space Cadet Take 2